Super Deals on Balms! Order Now for Holiday Delivery

Super Deals on Balms! Order Now for Holiday Delivery

Everybody loves a “Wise Crack”…If you have unexpected gifts this year, it’s always nice to have something anyone can use.

We’d love it if you spread the love! Buy 8 or more balms of any size use the coupon code SOLSTICE for 40% off all balms in your order!

You probably already know to order early this year. By the end of the week, all bets are off delivery wise, so get your last minute orders in now!

And most most of all, please enjoy your holidays!


- Jayne and Marc -

P.S. Herbed vinegar isn't just good for salad dressing (though it is very good for salad dressing) - it's also a good way to extract your favorite herbs and work them into your daily routine. So, see below for an example of a potent herbed vinegar you can make at home. You can adapt this recipe to use whatever you have on hand. I have an elderberry flavored vinegar I have been sipping on…

Simple Herbed Vinegar Recipe:

Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar fresh (or dried) Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Basil, Fennel & hot pepper (to taste).

To make the recipe, gather the herbs you want to use and take them off their stems if they are fresh. Put some of the vinegar in a blender with the herbs and blend them roughly. Add the chopped herbs and the rest of the vinegar to top off the jar. Make sure the jar you use has a plastic or other non metallic lid and that the mouth is wide enough to pour it back out. Let the mixture sit completely covered for a few days up to a couple of weeks. When the colors have come out of the herbs, it’s done! 

No matter if you are dining alone or with all your relations, I wish you the best!